Meridian Head Treatment

The Meridian Head treatment emphasizes on the fine-tuning of Head Meridians, combined with herbal essences prepared using specialized expertise. It swiftly eradicates headache, giddiness, insomnia, reoccurrence of dreams and other sleeping disorders.We also provide Scraping Therapy, Cupping Therapy, Acupressure Therapy, Patting Therapy and Acupuncture in HongYi TCM Healthcare.

洪光经络的头部保养是结合针对头部经络调理的中草药精华与独特有效的调理手法,可迅速缓解头痛、头晕、失眠、多梦、易醒、难入睡等常见问题,补充经络调理 上的不足,令调理经络的效果达到最.