Understanding Diseases through Meridians

As the Meridian network covers the entire body, most of the body’s diseases can be linked to the Meridian. Thus, Meridian Acupuncture can encourage self-healing properties and regulation of one’s ‘qi’ and blood flow. Traditional Chinese Medicine seeks to treat a patient holistically, thus although its effects are slow in manifesting, the patient experiences a comprehensive treatment that treats his mind, body and soul. Beyond just curing specific illnesses, one’s general well-being will improve.
综观人类之疾病,大多与经络有关。因为人体经络是人的生命线,它维系着人的五脏六腑、四肢百骸,是中医处病之根本,而调虚实即是治病养生 之关键。 古人有言:治病之要,气内为保。针灸、按揉经络穴位可以调动身体的自我修复功能,固本正元,调控气血,增强人体正(元)气。人体的正(元)气足,则邪 (病)气不侵,或侵入后被正气所消减,身体便能维持一个平衡和谐的健康状态。 中医治病从整体观念出发,实施辩证论治,以扶助人体正气,增强免疫功能,兼顾局部的治疗,只是治疗的效果比较缓慢